Friday, February 20, 2009

Diary: School Prefect ?

Today is Friday and I just got my tag for pengawas pelatih. It's small and yellow in colour same as the clothing. Since I'm also the penolong, I have three tags ? One is the penolong ketua tingkatan, pengawas pelatih and pas keluar tag. Haha. My friend joked, she said if there was a tag for every post we hold my uniform would be full of it! Haha. If.

Did I told you once in standard five in my primary school, I was offered to be a librarian and also a prefect but I didn't accept the offer since my mom say it would be a waste of money since there is only one more year before I leave my lovely school. Last year, almost everyone was asking me ...tak jadi pengawas kah?.... and I replied... Tak...malaslah .... uniform dah beli, takkan nak bazirkan... or I would just shook my head in response. I mean like a lot of teachers and my friends were asking me the same question till I was starting to get bored of it but I admit, it was fun cause people thought that I have the potential to be a prefect. I'm not trying to brag or anything but yeah, just telling you a part of my life.

This year, I was again offered but now in secondary school. The prefect teacher told me that many seniors and teachers said my name when it came to choosing the prefects for the year 2009. I was soooo happy to hear that! My mom wasn't sure cause she was scared that it may affect my studies but after asking a few people and considering the pro and cons, I decided to go for it! When you enter a uni, being a prefect will higher your chances to enter that certain uni. Not only that, you will be able to work as a team in the Lembaga a big big family. Being able to learn how to be a leader. Lastly, you will be a role model among the students especially but honestly saying, many 'normal' students will hate you just because you are a prefect. They think that all prefects like to belagak...and blah...blah. But frankly saying, who doesn't hate prefects? If you really get to know them, you will see that they after all, aren't that bad. Its just that they have a bigger responsiblity that they have to do. ATW....amanah,tegas dan berWibawa.

One day, while I was walking in the canteen. One teacher called me and asked if I was interested to be a prefect and I told her that I went for the interview already. Lastly, she said that she suggested my name and that is why she asked such a question. I was sooo happy! People really think that I can be when I myself isn't sure what is so special about myself. Anyway, the point is not about me. I just want to tell you that you may not think you are special but actually you are! We as normal beings always look at our weakness but never seem to realize there is something special deep, deep down which we ourselves can't see but others can.

By next week, starting on Monday. I would start my duty as pengawas pelatih and guess where I'm supposed to 'jaga' ??? The canteen!!! From all places the canteen!!! Canteen= food and ice cubes being thrown around= people leaving their food on the table opened= pupils running and shouting everywhere= smelly and grosssss...EWWW. I can't waittttt!!! Arghhhhh!!! That is the reason why I hate the canteen!!! It's just so EWWWW. One of the teachers said in the assembly that they were naughty boys throwing ice cubes at each other during reccess and you know what happened ?! One of the ice cubes accidently hit the mak cik's forehand while she was carrying a bowl of hot soup! I think you can guess what happened next. I was so shocked when I heard that. I mean, her hand could like 'hangus' and burnnn!!!

Some students in my school. Sadly saying, have no brains!!! Throwing ice cubes in the canteen!!! That is so stupid and idiotic! I can't even say if they have the right to be called humans! What they did was so inhuman and animal like! Even animals can think for goodness sake! I guess I would just have to go through it. I think the teacher put me there because she wanted to know how I would stand and handle the pressure. Many have high expectations and I want not to fail them.

As you know, yesterday I had Sports Day and we went to Pizza Hut. It was fun and crazy. We were so crazzzy!!! Putting cheese everywhere until the bottle was like 1/10 left? But we paid! So it was excusable ...haha. Anyway, that is not the point. Today, at school. Everyone was talking about the thief. More than 20 people lost their precious stuff! So sad bu as they say.... Justice Wil Prevail ...and it did! Inside of the boy's bag was like more than 20 handphones and wallets. The bag was full of expensive stuff! You know what one of the Form 1 who kononnya wanted to be a prefect was actually a thief !!! Oh no no !

So much much stuff to tell you.... but sorry, time is not on our is TIME for me to go into my fantasy world and sleep ....and dreeeeeaaammmmm ....hahahahaha .... Bye now...enjoy life!!! HE will guide you!

More drama next time and will have a books topic soon as well!

.....sayonara my frensizzzzzzzz ...! muax muax

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well yo do have many tags =.= Isn't it when you become peng. u haffta quit any of your ajk kelas? but im sure u wana overcome dat.
y waiting for teacher ask u to b pngws, y don't apply urself while form 1? so dat u can know urself u deserve it or not, by making teacher recomend u?

yeah kesian mak cik tu. every1 is childish in thier own ways but not as bad as those guys :D