Sunday, January 4, 2009

Diary: Crazyness

Crazyness, does that word even exists? I wonder but who the hell cares ...haha. Here I am, writing in my blog when I'm supposed to be sleeping. As most of you might know, today is 5th of Jan,2009 and it is now 6.35 a.m. It'll be my first day of school in my new class and like more than 10 new students will be joining. Sad to say, around 7 or 8 pupils from my class went down because of their bad results. Well, I guess school life is like that. I hope they do learn and maybe can jump back up when they reach Form 3.

Excitement was the last thing I thought I would be feeling about starting school cause the holidays are like homework... and that is the best part about it. Just around two days ago, I started to get excited about school. No, not because of my friends or teachers but just school I guess. The feeling of being a student again!

Hurting, my leg hurts and I'll be limping to school the next few days. ...a great way to start the new year... To think about it again, I actually don't really mind. I'll get to go to school and make the Form 1 suffer *evil laughters* since I'm going to be senior for the afternoon session ...woohoo...

Dreaming , still stuck here. There's a 50/50 change of me going to Australia next year or maybe the year after next year cause of something...something. My mom is soooo going to be famous at Australia! She's coming out on the Australian tv. ' Yeah' . Maybe one day I'll appear on tv also...haha.... Recently, I went to wikipedia to check out about Australia. You know what?! Australian edu is like the best 8th or 4th in the world ! It would be great if I get the opportunity to study there. Maybe can go there after I take my PMR ? After this, my wishes for all my Christmases and Birthdays will be this . If its God's plan for me to study there, nothing can stop it from happening but if it's not, then maybe God have another plan for me, a greater plan. Nice to know, no matter what happens that HE will still be with me every step that I take. =)

Still dreaming about how nice would it be if my wish came true. Anyway, I wouldn't be so bad to bore you with it. I'll be going to sleep in a while more and will be waking up in two hours to 'bertugas' at school. So this is me logging off . Still dreaming and dreaming and dreaming. ...ok ...!!! i'll stop dreaming and just think about the fact that today is the first day of school ... !!! ...woohooo ...yeah !

Here's a video for ya'll 2 enjoy!