Saturday, November 14, 2009

Plans 4 The Hol-Days!

Friday: Exam over. Say Bye bye to skool.
Saturday: Went to CDM for concert and mass.
Sunday and Monday: Up in the Himalaya Mountains aka Genting.
Tuesday: Go to school to take some stuff. Later, KFC for party.
Wednesday: Class party
Saturday: Taekwondo. Time to kick some ass!!!

27th November: Gotong-royong CDM
18-20th December: English Camp held by Education Ministry

During everything, I'll be going Sunway Pyramid to shop,shop and shop! I so want to see 2012 and Christmas Carol!!! When I'm at home, I'll be playing PS2, studylah kot and read novels! Most probably, I'll start attending CDM but is not fully confirmed but I really want to go there. So many people that are actually my age and so super fun! I also (maybe) would be taking Mandarin Language lessons. I want to learn how to play the guitar! Someone, teach me please. Also, have to practice for my debate next year. Will be entering the debate team.

Have to start writing so I'll get to publish my own novel soon!=D Clean the house, get rid of all those unwanted stuff! And shake, shake, shake. Shake all those fats away. I'm going to pierce my ears soon!

Tats all,
Me and my life and my forever frens!
Katherine. Out.

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