Sunday, February 15, 2009

Diary: Taggie Boo!

tagged by: alia izzati

The rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules. List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people.

1. Can't live without books !
2. Crazy bout a guy
3. Learning one kind of martial arts
4. Has super banyak jawatan at school !
5. Hates 2 fold clothes
6. Always reaches at school JUST IN TIME !
7. Want 2 get a scholarship
8. Eats, laughs alot! Acts crazy.n Stupid . But who the hell cares .... HAHAHA


1- (i don't know) : Everyone who visits this website
2- Danial
3- Calister
4. Yap Kar Kay
5.Hui Ching
6. Isabel

name you wish you had:I luvvv my name! It's cute ...kucing ..:)
what do people normally call you: Kat/Cat/Kucing/Kathy/Meow meow
birthday: 6 June
birthplace: In Asia!! Malaysia :)
Time of birth: somewhere around 6 in the morning ?
Single or taken: still single :)
zodiac sign: Gemini
Your Appearance: Hmm..not fat/not thin ? I look like a cat :)
how tall are you: 5 feet
wish you were taller: Just a little taller
eye colour: Iris: light brown . Pupil: black ... HA!
current hair colour: not dark/not light brown ?
short or long: just okay :)
ever dye your hair a bizzare colour: Never ..but would like to try red/purple
glasses or contact: :p
do you wear make up: natural is the best!
paint your nails: yup yup but skool don't let :(


what colour eye: blueish green? blue ? anything LA
what colour hair: anything ...
shy or outgoing: outgoing
serious or fun: both :)
older or younger: older but not too old !!!
a turn on: accept me, smile a lot, happy, laughs a lot , cooks and is willing 2 do anything 2 make me happy. and i mean ANYTHINg! Writes a poem and sings it to me eventhough he knows he can't sing! or makes a card which turns out ugly rather than just buying one . I would luv a sweet guy!
a turn off: shy, too serious, boring,


flower or chocolate: chocos !! DAAA
pepsi or coke: smoothies !
rap or rock: rock and metal but not hard rock ( screaming one )
relationship or one night stand: an honest relationship
school or work: still studying
love or money: LOVE ! where there is love, there is also money. But when you only have money, you do not have LOVE.
movie or music: Both!!! Obviously!
country or city: BOTH!!
sunny or rainy days: both
friend or family: both is important


lie: tell me, who never?
stole something: accidently ... like a cookie?
hurt someone close to you: yeah ...but i didn't mean it
broke someone's heart: yup :(
had your heart broken: in what way?
wonder what was wrong with you: sometimes
wish you prince or princess: when i was small
like someone who was taken: ya :) but now he's solo !
shave your head: What the ?!
used chopstick: yaaaa
sang in the mirror to yourself: no
favourite flower: i don't really like flowers
candy: yeah but get jelak
song: classic, love songs and songs about war and blooddddd ..... HAHA
scent: whatever
colour: light colours
movie: alot !
singer: even more !
junk food: not really

website: aren't u at my website right now ?
location: in my imaginary world
animals: cats and penguins !!


ever cried over someone: yup, when i miss someone
is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: maybe but i don't really care...
do you think your attractive: i don't know
if you choose a fairy tale as you life what would you choose: Snow White ?
do you play sport: swimming ?

I guess that's all! Enjoy my blog! Muax Muax

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