Monday, December 8, 2008

How to Join a Group/Gang? (The New Trend at School)

As you might know , there are many kinds of groups at school . One would be what people call the gedik group ( girls who are interested in fashion , style , the latest stuff and flirting with guys ... these kind are usually very pretty ) ...i'm not saying that if you are interested in fashion means you are gedik . The second kind is the gossip group ( girls who obviously love to gossip , always talk about guys ) . The third common kind of group is the little girls group ( girls who look innocent , talk innocent but isn't innocent ....and they like to play always ...and shout and jump all the time )

Did I miss any ? Oh , ya ! There's one more kind of group ..the ' don't ya try to mess with us ' . This group usually consist of 5 or more members or maybe 3 . This is the group which almost everyone is scared of . They have the looks and attitude . They are the kind who loves to break the rules . If you mess with one of the group members , the whole group will come after you . Warning : Don't ever mess with this kind of group !

Usually , groups have a person that they hate . That the whole group hates . In order to join the group , you MUST also hate that person eventhough that person could be your best friend . In order to keep conversations going in a group , they gossip . Mostly about students . About how that girl dresses , how she laughs and blah ....blah . Why ? Just for the fun of it . Because they think that its soooo funny talking about other people's flaws and mistakes .

I'm not saying I don't gossip at all . I'm trying to gossip less cause I realized that it doesn't bring any benefits . I used to gossip a lot ! But since now , I don't often gossip . I don't have a group . Is it important to have a group at school . Kononnya ...the friends that you can 'click' with . At the end of the day , you'll find out the real reason why you can 'click' with them because ...all of you gossip !!!!!!!! It's so fun talking bad stuff about people and not looking at yourself , eh ? I know why people gossip cause I was one them before . When you gossip'll feel good about yourself . I'll give you an example :

You : Guyz ...look at that girl over there ! She's really fat ! I bet any chairs she sits on will break !
..the whole group agrees and starts laughing ...

By saying that , you feel better . Why ? Cause you are not fat .... cause you don't have ugly teeth like the other girl and the list goes on and on . When you gossip about other people , you don't often look at yourself first . At the end of the day , you'll just the same as the other girl . People who usually talks bad stuff about other people's physical looks are not satisfied with how they look . They think they are not pretty enough and blah ...blah ...blah . They cannot accept the way they look . Why ? Just because someone says so . At the end of the day , what really matters is not what other people think about us but what we think about ourselves . If you think you are ugly , you are . If you think you are beautiful , you are . Don't care what the heck people says about you . You wore a beautiful dress for yourself , not for other people .

Having a big butt , not so perfect teeth , too much flabs , too dark , too fair and blah ...blah . Just because of that you are ugly ? No ! The Bible did not say so . We are all equal in the sight of God . No one is more prettier or more better . Each person is unique in their own way and at the same time , same . We are all humans .

So , people . Listen up ! Stop those gossips and nonsense . Before you say anything about other people , look at yourself first . If people say any bad stuff about how you look . Just tell them : Thank you for your compliment ! I'm glad I have ( not so perfect teeth / big butt / big nose ...+++ ) At least , I'm unique ! For your information , no one is perfect !

If you still think you are ugly and all that kind of nonsense . Let me tell you again ! You are just perfect the way you are ! Don't let anything change you ! Because that is what makes you who you are . If you think that no one loves and cares about you , just remember this one thing . God does . Loves and cares about you ! one is perfect yet everyone is unique ....


Unknown said...

Ppl nowdays are always thinking and acting like that, they cant get off with negatif stuff. Its like generations nowdays cant seem to judge what is right or what is wrong, wait a sec.... they can!! but they wont get rid of their bad habits, or bad whatever it is. Even though they know what they are doing is not the right thing... they only care about enjoying the moments of doing bad things, but they neva have thoughts like " is this right, is this what my mom teach me(lol)cant I have fun without hurting others???" I'm once like this(a bad person who dont care about others) before. But a fren saved me from this, by becoming frens with him i've realize that so many ppl hate me alot!! but as time passes by im being better^^ person but not as gud as my fren^^ but u probabbly dun care anyways^^. But now I have this problem... simple example is high skoolers espeacially the groups u mentioned like the gediks, gossipers or blah2 are acctually can be combined into 1 group and that is A PERSON THAT ONLY CARE ABOUT PRESENT AND ENDING UP LOSSING THEIR FUTURE WITHOUT REALIZING IT. Can u suggest a way to make others acctually me hehe^^ to realizing how important future is, how to enjoy their present as well as not destroying their present.
PS. gratz to you for a good blog^^ im sure i will help others with their life
PSS. what about the one that really cant mixed up with others?? i mean they cant socially well. dats me^^. I only speak alot!! with best fren only but i hate to mix up with the kerekers they simply just want fame and cast away what they call losers but its as u say we are all equal. FIN!!
gomenasai for long comments^^

Katherine's Little World said...

Yup. Yup. I totally agree with you. They just don't seem to realize but I don't blame them. Some of them really don't what is happening while most of them simply don't care. I'm just glad that I've realized. Honestly saying,I still talk ( but trying to 'kurangkan')about other people but whatever I say behind their back, I will say right in front of their face. Haha . But they just don't care. How to make you realize how important the future is ? I think you already now how important the future is. What we do now affects what is going to happen in the future. We are not going to live forever so whatever you want to do, do it right now. Today you might be here, tomorrow you might not be here. Frankly saying, I'm also facing this problem. Many people are facing this problem. It's hard to choose to do something that is top most important or what we like to do. Anyway,how we can help our friends is just by helping them. Showing love to them if you understand what I mean. Be there for them each time they need us. Then maybe trough us,they will start to change little by little. Let us take ' One Step at a Time' to make this world a better place.

P.S :I'm also like you. I'm not the social kind of person but I don't totally isolate myself somewhere till people feel they can't even communicate with me

anyway, thamks 4 ur comment !

Unknown said...

Thanks your reply helped me alot or will help me, either way thanks. U seem to unterstand my problems, well its high skoolers or anybody's problems or anybody. I try refrain myself not to destroy my future^^ . Acctually i will work hard for future and enjoy my youth while there is left^^ thanks and gratz :D .