Wednesday, October 21, 2009

H0Lidays !!!

Oh my Gosh. Oh My Gosh. !!!! (screams)
It's actually finally here, people! The moment we all have been waiting.
Freedom. Air. I soooo can't believe this!
Honestly, I was like what the hell? I'm going to be 15 soon!!!

2009- is like the best and worst year

- Get to enter lots of stuff
- Win lots of prizes(Tokoh Murid Harapan Kokurikulum)
- Shopping, meet new people! =)

- so many people i know went to heaven :(
- MJ, I'm going to miss you. You know I love u.

2009 = very fun and busy year!

USM, Choral Speaking, Blah...Blah....

Anyway, enough about that. Today, I've just went to CDM for a concert. The kids were soooo incredibly cute!!! A few wanted to kiss and marry Claudine. She actually asked them if they wanted to be her boyfriend. Claudine, you pervert! God, have mercy on those little kids. hahahahahahah....!!!! (=P)

Calister and her obsession. Haha. I wonder what. I will name you a few people I met and actually remembered their names: Elena, Evan, Stephanie, Mark, Justin, Steven. Others can't really recall.

I'm going to end my post here!!!
Chiowx guyz.!
Little kat .